About Us
The J&L Paris project was born in the United States when we met at New York University. Sharing a unique experience, we discovered a common point: a taste for meeting and sharing, a taste for adventure and discovery.
So 4 years later and back in Paris, it seemed obvious to us to set up our agency in order to make our passion for culture and our art of living known to people who, like us, love to discover cities around the world.

This week, our tour guide William tells us a little more about her passion for Art History through her career.

Guide ID Card:
Paris and its region
For ?
17 years
Opera (17th-19th century), Baroque world, The 19th century, Theaters and concert rooms.
"Guilty pleasure" visit?
The Music Museum La Villette
A work of art?
Endymion sleeping, Girodet, 1791, Louvre Museum

"As I have learnt music from a young age, and I have been educated in visual arts thanks to my Grand-Father, I am still interested in the existing connections between arts. Licensed in Social Politics from the Chili University before getting my tour-guide degree, I have pursued my studies with two other bachelors and masters degrees (Art History and Musicology) in the Paris-Sorbonne University, as well as a PhD in Musicology in the Southampton University. This atypical university background has given me the chance to diversify my work (tour guide, professor, researcher …), but also to enrich my tours with artistic, musical, and theatrical approaches to make my visits unique !"
The tour guides that we have integrated into the J&L Paris team are not there by chance. Coming from different backgrounds, they are all licensed and highly qualified to guarantee you a quality visit wherever you are and in the language you want.
Languages spoken: French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Swedish, Finnish.
Do you have a question about your future guide? Contact us :
Are you a tour guide and would you like to join our team? Send us your application:

Thibaud, one of our historical guides, tells us a little more about his job.

Guide ID Card:
In Paris and its region
8 years
The Eighteenth Century, the Revolution and the Empire
Favorite visit?
Napoleon's Tomb
A work of art?
David's Oath of the Horatii, 1785, Musée du Louvre

"Guiding is a passion, a childhood dream come true! Today, still hungry for information, juicy details, awful or amusing anecdotes, I have the chance to pass them on to curious minds.
After studying Art History, and acquiring the keys to reading necessary to understand Art with a capital A, having the joy of sharing my knowledge is a pleasure every day. And as the saying goes: "choose a job you love, and you won't have to work a day in your life!"
Jessica, tour guide and founder of J&L Paris, tells us a little more about her passion for Art History through her career.

Guide ID Card:
In Paris and its region
9 years
the seventeenth century, Versailles, the Louvre
Favorite visit?
The Opéra Garnier
A work of art?
Fragonard's Lock, 1777, Musée du Louvre

"Guiding is a little-known profession and yet it is much more than that! A way of life, a passion, is a mix of art, history and encounters.
After 8 years of Art History and a year in New York, it became clear to me that I wanted to do a job of sharing. I guide to offer a timeless and pleasant moment whether you are on vacation, on a weekend or on an outing with colleagues. Guided tours allow you to escape from everyday life and as Montaigne said, "There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge", so why deprive yourself of it?!"
Melissa, our agency's tour guide, tells us a little more about her background.

Carte d'identité de guide:
A Paris et sa région
9 ans
Histoire de la mode et du vêtement, le Paris du Second Empire et de la Belle Époque
Visite "péché mignon"?
Paris fais-moi peur, légendes, crimes et frissons 👻
Une œuvre d'art?
Dante et Virgile, William Bouguereau, 1850, musée d’Orsay

“Ce que je préfère dans ce métier, ce sont les échanges et partages que l’on peut avoir avec les visiteurs. Les voir s’émerveiller devant un lieu ou une œuvre me rappelle constamment pourquoi j’aime cette profession. Ce métier est un challenge en permanence, impossible de s’ennuyer, il est riche en rebondissement et c’est également pour cet aspect que je m’y sens si bien.”
Marine, guide conférencière à Nancy, nous en dit un peu plus sur sa passion pour l’Histoire de l’Art à travers son parcours.

Carte d'identité de guide:
A Nancy & alentours
10 ans
Le XVIIIème siècle & la gastronomie
Visite "péché mignon"?
Nancy 100% Chocolat
Une œuvre d'art?
La laitière, de Johannes Vermeer, 1658, Rijksmuseum à Amsterdam

“Après des études d'Histoire de l'art, je découvre le métier de guide-conférencière au sein de l'Office de tourisme de Saint-Emilion ; une révélation pour ce métier de partage, à faire découvrir patrimoine, anecdotes & vignoble !
J'ai depuis créé "La Madeleine" à Nancy, où je propose de nombreuses visites thématiques autour de l'histoire de l'ancienne capitale des ducs de Lorraine. Et pour les plus gourmands, des visites pour découvrir (et déguster !) la gastronomie locale. Parce qu'il n'y a pas que la quiche lorraine !”

Carte d'identité de guide:
Région parisienne, Savoie et Haute-Savoie
9 ans
le XIXème siècle, l'art industriel
Visite préférée?
Le château de Versailles
Visite "péché mignon"?
Le château de Chenonceau
Une œuvre d'art?
Judith et Holopherne, Caravage, 1598, Palazzo Barberini, Rome

“Après des études d'histoire de l'art, de nombreux voyages et des rencontres marquantes, je n'avais qu'une envie, combiner tout ça et en faire mon métier. Quelle autre profession vous permet à la fois de voyager - tant historiquement que géographiquement - de sans cesse découvrir , rencontrer et partager? Même si aujourd'hui je me suis diversifiée en me tournant davantage vers l'organisation de voyages, guider restera toujours ma véritable vocation et mon premier amour !”

Guide ID Card:
Paris and its region
13 years old
Fashion & Costumes
Favorite visit?
The Palace of Versailles
"Guilty pleasure" visit?
The Palais Garnier
A work of art?
Caravaggio's The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1601, Sans Souci, Potsdam

“I've been a tour guide for 13 years and I'm still happy to be in this job. Being in beautiful museums and neighborhoods, admiring the works of art at the same time as the people I accompany, all this gives me a lot of happiness. This job also allows me to go on beautiful trips in winter, and to come back with joy every year to museums!"